Okay everyone- we are blessing the baby on the 30th. Everyone is invited... and I hope everyone can come. It will be here in Three Forks at 10:00a.m. I am sure that afterwards we will be having lunch of some sort... although we probably won't have that planned until that day;) You know how we work. But that is the plan. Other than that- here's an update. McKie is now going to pre-school in Belgrade Tuesdays and Thursdays for 2 1/2 hours. It's a nice time for me to be able to run errands with just Brensyn and Ansleigh. Trying to do it with all three tends to drive me over the edge... that is unless Jaran's there, then I do okay. Kies also likes to drive me crazy by doing things he's not supposed to do... like getting into the knife drawer and getting knives out or going into the garage and getting into the car and smearing lotion all over. This all happens while I'm doing things with Ansleigh, such as feeding or changing her. Brensyn likes to give himself black eyes. He was jumping from a couch we have in our room to the bed and didn't quite make it, causing him to fall and hit the bed frame with his eye. This is the third close call we've had with his eye... he enjoys scaring the poop out of us! Ansleigh's growing and it's crazy. She is 11 lbs and in the 97% in weight, over 100% in her head size(how is that possible?), and about 70% in height. Short and fat- just the way we like em':) She sleeps almost through the night... usually only waking up once to eat. It's nice... but there's the occasional up every two hours that totally drains me of life for the next two or three days. Jaran's just working and bringing home the bacon... and I am trying to do it all! Just keep your fingers crossed that I don't go insane, cause it's headed in that direction!
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