So last Tuesday I went into the dentist, thinking that I had a wisdom tooth problem... but no- it was my back bottom right tooth that abcessed and needed a root canal. They only did a partial, cause they didn't have time to do it all. So they did it and sent me on my way without anything else. Slowly, but surely, my tooth started to hurt more and more until I was about ready to rob a pharmacy. I knew that I needed anti-biotics, but my stupid dentist didn't have a number to call to get ahold of him, and being a holiday, he closed after business on Wednesday. So the whole weekend I was in pain. Finally yesterday I decided that if I didn't get something I might die... really you guys, the pain was probably right up there with labor pains. I've never hurt so bad, besides when I had the same problem in my front tooth that got broken. It broke my freshman year and I had to get it fixed a couple days after Thanksgiving my Junior year. So back to the point- I called emergency dentists, the ER, and everything I could think of. The cheapest option was about $400 dollars, until some nice woman suggested the walk-in clinic in Cody. Hallelujia! So I went there, after about two minutes and sixty-five dollars, I got a perscription for some anti-biotics and pain killers. Now, since I'm still nursing, I could only get Tylenol 3, which is tylenol and Codein. But it sort of worked and I was thankful for it! Today at 3 was my appointment to finish the root canal. After explaining what happened this weekend, I got some, wow, that's too bad, and maybe a sorry, and then got it fixed. The dentist, feeling bad, gave me another perscription for pain killers, as the ones I had before won't last long, and then also a refill, should I need it! Woo hoo! He offered to write me one for some Vicadin, but last time I was perscribed that, it didn't work, so I'm sticking with the Tylenol 3.
Our 4th of July celebration was great! Dave Rael(Mom and Bob's neighbor) does a great fireworks desplay every year. Up to this point, we have not attended cause we were always in MT. This year, however, the kids and I got to be part of it! There was great food- Bob supplied something like 275 pounds of pork,

and there were multiple salads, beans and other great treats! Dave also buys a nice selection of fireworks for every single kid there! He's so awesome and generous and just a great guy! The kids had fun, although I was a bit of a downer cause I was in pain, but still a great time!
This is right after fireworks- she always sleeps like this! She needed her bum changed before bed, but she fell asleep, so I tried to change it without waking her up. As soon as I took her diaper off, it woke her up just long enough to make her do this:

And for those of you who don't think she looks like me:

Brensyn with hims gun:

And Kies coloring(which he has JUST recently started wanting to do):

It's been a hard time since Jaran has been in Three Forks since last Tuesday and doesn't plan on returning until Wednesday night or Thursday morning. He has, however, gotten a lot of things that needed to get done finished. He put beams and tongue and groove up on the ceiling in our living room and kitchen and it looks fabulous!

Also, he's been working on finishing the basement! We're getting closer to things being done, and I'm so thankful for him and his work ethic... although I do get a bit irritated when he doesn't take time to play with us when he's here! So enough of a post for now, I'm being boring! Take care!
PS- For those of you who don't know, Stephanie Coble(Wilson) and I entered and got accepted to be in the Country Showdown in Bozeman on July 19th. We will be singing two songs in the competition and if we win, we will go to regions, state and then nationals(I think something like that)- so please wish us luck! You're all more than welcome to spend a bagillion dollars on gas and come and watch us if you want!