My sis-in-law, Kendra, had this on her blog, and I thought it would be a fun time. I always hate not getting comments, so this way- you read the blog- you may feel more inclined to do it, and that will make me feel loved and important and cool and maybe even a bit of a dork! So play along PLEASE! Even if you are just a lurker, as am I, you can leave a comment of your favorite post of mine. And if you have found out I'm lurking on your blog and want me to stop- let me know!
Here are the directions:
1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember! I guess good or bad, but be nice!!!!!!!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. If you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, I will comment on my page about you!
Take Care!
Fluke Ir Camera
9 months ago
I remember going to Billings when you went throught the temple for the first time. We stopped at some steakhouse afterwards to eat (we didn't end up eating there - they had too long a wait so we went to Famous Dave's). But at the first place we stopped, we were outside and they gave us a bunch of peanuts to eat while we waited. You offered me one and said "peanut?" and I said "Yes, I have one right here; it's bulky, but I consider it a carry on." And, without missing a beat, you said "No, peanut"! And then we both cracked up. You probably don't remember that, but I hadn't really gotten to know you very well up to that point, and it made me realize that we had a very similar sense of humor. IT was pretty funny, and every time since then that we have hung out, we are always laughing at the same stuff!
Shan...I promise I'll leave you a comment, later on today, ha ha, i'm gonna throw up i think! ahhhh....look for one later on!
This could be fun. I could leave a million and one comments about memories with you and it still wouldn't come close to hitting them all. Here's the first one. (In song form) "Pippi Longstocking is coming into your world. A freckle faced, red-headed girl - no, no, no, she's a black-headed girl!" :)
O.k. I have to post another. I know no one will get these but you, but I hope they bring a smile to your face! Remember pickles and milk? "Please say grace." Calli: "I will. Grace." Ha ha ha!
All's Fair in Love and War!
Do you remember what show we were watching when you came up with my knick name? Kim Kim Salli Bim. We thought it was so funny! How about "Grandma-can-we-please-have-some-
ice-cream-please?" Flying in the "airplane" at Grandma's, playing under the trees when we weren't supposed to. Flash Gordon. I could keep going and going.
O.k. Last one. You're probably going to be so excited to see so many comments left on your blog, then get mad when you realize that five of them are from me. I remember when you moved to Cody in elementary and how devastated I was. It was horrible for me and I was so stinking excited when you came back to Byron and we could play together again.
I remember you calling me on my graduation day crying. I was so worried, I went over and found out that you weren't going to be able to be there for graduation. You had to get back to Bozeman. I was pretty sad and upset, I think you were even worse! Then you were able to come because your dad drove you up there late that night (I was always so thankful he did that). And you bought me a Scooby-Doo Dairy Queen cake!
One of my favorite memories (of when we were older) is when Danen and I got to go to the Salt Lake Temple when you and Jaran got sealed. I was so happy and excited and so proud of you for being there. I remember the special spirit there and that me and your mom couldn't stop bawling. I wouldn't have missed that for the world. (By the way, didn't we take some pictures there together? Do you have those?)O.k. this last one made me a little teary-eyed. I love you Shan!
okay now that my stomach is settled a bit, i'm back to write you a comment as promised! :) For some reason I always just remember girls camp with you! ha ha, you were always just so much fun up there. and then coming to lovell to tell me about "FESTIVUS FOR THE RESTOF US!" Everytime I hear that I think of you and only you! ha ha, sorry i'm not gonna write much at the moment, still not feel real great!! I'll get back to ya again!!
Oh geez, where to I begin?!
I remember going camping with Breth, and you (who had lived in the big horn basin your ENTIRE life) totally got me lost in some random farm field trying to get to the Beartooth Mountains, in my brand new car!!!! I was sooooo pissed. Crazy, loony-toony pissed, and you just laughed at me. Ah, good times, good times. ;) Love ya.
I have a terrible memory, so I'm very bad with specifics, but like Kristin, I remember hanging out with you a camp a lot. We had such a blast!
I remember lots of things about you, but never really did anything with you. I remember girls camp was a lot of fun with you, and some things in high school, but that's about it. Sorry.
O.k. Missy, it's time for a new post! This one was fun, but shouldn't actually count, since you didn't post anything about yourself! I need an update! And yes, by the way, you and Steph can come stay with me on the 30th. As long as you don't mind a couch and a twin bed. I think that's all we'll have for you to sleep on. Would it just be for a night? I'm headed to Lovell on the 1st.
sorry it has taken me a while to comment about a memory, I, like my dad, have the worst memory, but I know I have some awesome memories of you! I remember when I first met you i thought you were soo cute and sooo perfect for my brother. I remember before you guys were married, when we went to a comedy club here in Utah in layton, we were laughing so hard at every little thing! It was so much fun! I love coming and visiting you guys in montana! there are always good memories when we come up there! I remember the looooooong drive to wyoming where you guys were married, didn't like the drive so much but the ceremony and reception was beautiful! I am so glad you married my brother!
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