Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The New Twilight Trailer!


The Baker Family - a red thread said...

oooh, thanks for that. Want to hear something funny? I told Kaydin about the books and he wanted to read them. He just finished the 3rd one. This, of course, got Trevin interested and he is halfway through the first one. Nikki is taking them both to the midnight release party of "Breaking Dawn" and they are so excited. Hilarious.

Kimberly said...

I'm so excited for this. I know it won't be as good as the book, but I'm still excited!

Jessika and Josh said...

I love this trailer!!!! I can't wait until the 12th!

Well ok, thats not true. I can wait, because that means it will be winter again, and we all know, i don't want that! ..but i am freaking excited for this movie!

Erika and Kevin said...

I haven't read these book yet, but everyone loves them obviously! My mother in law just finished reading them and bought all three books so I will have to borrow them sometime and read them!