I have been waiting for someone to post something about the book. It came out on Saturday morning at 12:01 AM and Kendra, Nikki and I (yes Joseph and Val were there, but they didn't participate in our craziness) awaited this moment from 11:00 until we finally got our books sometime around 12:30. It was a great time. We decided(which means I thought it would be fun and talked everyone into it) to put on some black eyeshadow and ring things in special. You see, at the Barnes and Noble we were at, they had a "vampire prom" where anyone that wanted could dress up and attend. We didn't think we wanted to go that far, so the eyeshadow was as far as we went. When they announced "Welcome to Barnes and Noble. It is now August 2nd" everyone burst into a cheer. So we decided to get a little crazy and started screaming and jumping up and down, to mock those who were actually that excited about it. You see, Kendra and I have small children so that's what we're used to seeing when they get excited, and the fact that we were somewhere having fun by ourselves made us feel as though we needed to have more fun(maybe a little too much)! So we took a bunch of great fun pictures(Kendra, you need to send those to me!), and when we got our books, Kendra and Nikki turned into actress and director. My phone won't allow me to send such a large file, so I'll have to have Nikki forward it to my email so I can post it. It goes like this: Kendra screaming, running through the store, until someone is heading in the other direction, which causes her to turn around, fall down laughing, stroking the book, LICKING the book and then finally stopping. It was hilarious. I can not wait to post this stuff... but for now, the written version will have to do. The point of me writing this, however, is to have a discussion about what people think about the book, cause I'm DYING to discuss it. Kendra- I know why you kept saying, "What the heck?" HA HA HA! Well, everyone, Take Care!
Shannon, I have to tell you that you have not changed since we were in high school. ;) (That is a compliment. I'm so glad you haven't.) Next, I would gladly gladly discuss this book with you--if I had read it. I haven't read any yet--I know I know, I should, I will, at some point. When I do, I will discuss it to pieces with you, I promise.
Oh my goodness, we had fun! I showed the video to my kids, and they thought it was hilarious. I was a little disappointed in the book. At every major plot point, I am going "are you freaking kidding me"? But, I think she backed (or wrote) herself into a corner and there were only so many ways she could end the series, so she chose to go the most unbelievable route possible. And, of course, EVERYTHING is about Bella. Gag.
Yes, Kendra, I agree with you. The middle of the book had me hoping to get to the next part hoping it would redeem itself, which I think it did, for the most part, at the end.
hahaha That is hilaious! Nikki showed me the videos today! Looks like a lot of fun! I really need to read those books I guess.
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