I have to print a retraction. In the previous post about Buddy, I said he got a wrestling scholarship when it was, in fact, and academic scholarship! As soon as I saw Erika wrote me that, I remembered that I knew that, it just slipped my mind. Thanks Erika!
Now, for the house part of the post. We are finally starting to settle into the house. There are only a few un-packed boxes, bins and bags. Let me clarify that we are very gratefu and happy to finally have a place of our own, but I need to have a bit of time to complain. When I finally made room assignments, the guys(Jaran and Jordan) started moving the big stuff in. We already had some bags and bins in the smallest upstairs room that was to be the play/toy room. The boys' bunk bed was first to come in, and was destined for the larger downstairs room. As they started down the stairs, they realized that it WAS NOT going to fit down the stairs. The ceiling was far too low for the frame to fit down there. So we decided to move our master bedroom down there and let the boys have the larger room upstairs and moved their bed and chest of drawers in there. The boys took our bed frame down stairs and then took the box springs on the journey to find out that, this too, would not fit down the stupid stairs! So we had to decide to move our room back into the large room upstairs, move the boys into the small upstairs room, move the toyroom to the small room downstairs, which was going to be Ansleigh's, and move her stuff into the larger downstairs room that will double as the office/craft room. So we had to move EVERY SINGLE ROOM around! Awesome... and now we get to the closet space- or lack thereof issue. You see, in our old house, we had a quite large walk-in closet where ALL of our clothes, including socks and underwear were housed in cubbies and shelves, along with a big space for hanging other things. Now we are trying to stuff our things into ONE maybe three foot closet and ONE chest of drawers. It's not easy, but we have decided to downsize as much as possible and store things in bins that we won't need until it gets warm again. The boys also had a walk-in closet, but we did used a chest of drawers for them before. We added a bar to the closet and it's working out alright. Ansleigh's room has the biggest closet, so we are taking some of our stuff into her room, such as church clothes and things that aren't used regularly. We have a bunch of plastic drawers which we will use to put her things in, as we only have two chests of drawers, which are being used. One of Jaran's main priorities is to build one or two more sets of drawers, but until we get a little more settled, he is just going to concentrate on work... not to mention the fact that there is not room in the garage to house his tools, and everything is in his tool trailer. Okay that's it for the ranting... well for now, anyway! The kitchen has quite a bit of cupboard space, and there is a large space downstairs for food storage and what not. There is a large backyard as well, but without a fence, we are going to have to keep a close eye on the kids, as the house is on main street. Thanks to Jordan(Hitz) for coming and helping Jaran move stuff in. I'm sure it's not what he wanted to do on his day off, but we love him for taking the time to help us on short notice. Our move was one of Jaran's spur-of-the-moment things. He likes to do those a lot. But we're happy to be in our own place and letting the kids be wild and crazy and not getting into trouble for it!
Now the school part. Since we have moved to Byron, McKie is going to start going to school on the bus, which means he is going at a different time than before. He has been going fom 10:15 to 12:15, but will now go from 1:15 to 3:15 and will be riding home on the bus with his cousin Taylin! He's excited cause I'm excited, so that's nice that I won't have to drive him back and forth everyday! Wish him luck with his new class-mates!
Fluke Ir Camera
9 months ago
Glad you're finally getting settled. That's nice Jordan helped - how did you wrangle him into it? How exciting that McKie gets to ride the bus! You're such a good mom - I honestly don't know if I would be brave enough to let Hailey do it at her age!
That is great you have a backyard! (Even though there is no fence.) Good luck McKie!
I'm happy you're finally in your own place, sorry for the space issue, I feel your pain. I've probably taken like 10 loads to the salvation army since we moved here because we just don'thave space for anything we don't need. Shees louise
I know I don't have three kids, but I understand the space issue! Erik and I share a dresser too, and IT SUCKS!! But ya do what ya got to do :) Now that you are in byron beware of me, because i might be over a lot!! Right now I am crazy busy with school but once i get the hang of it, i will come visit!
Wow Shannon so much has happened since the last time I checked your blog! How excited that you got your own place! I know it will be better for your family. And exciting that McKie is in Pre School! You will have to tell me how he likes it!
Yay! I want to come visit! I can't believe McKie is already in preschool! That is super crazy! He is growing up to fast!!
How did you do that super cool blogger layout, how you can tell when they last updated? I like it! I am still kinda blog illiterate, i still have a boring layout!
I agree with Erika! It's way awesome!
You should post pictures on here of your new place so all of us here in Utah and far away can see what it looks like! :)
I need something new! Post pictures of your house, your kids, write about what you ate yesterday - I don't care, just give me something new!
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