Well, we can work our way backwards! Yesterday was my 25th birthday, so happy birthday to me! We had a bbq at my sister Cam's house, and it was nice! The first time I've had a birthday cake since the dreaded birthday of '04 when McKie was adament to stay in my belly! Mom and Bob, Cam and her fam, and then my little family were all in attendance. Earlier in the day, I was watching Cam's kids, and at lunch, Brensyn decided to go into the other room. So I went in and took his hand to walk him back into the kitchen. He has been rehearsing his fit throwing ability, and decided that he was due for a practice. So he threw himself on the ground. I am still holding his hand, mind you, and I heard a pop! I knew right away he had probably dislocated something. Last July, while we were at church, he dislocated his elbow when Jaran was turning him around on our bench, and he was acting the same way he had then. So I called Jaran to come and either take Brens, or sit with the other kids. He opted to sit with the kids, so it was my motherly duty to take Brensyn to the ER. I decided that such an injury would probably be handled fine in Lovell, so away we went. When we got there, the Dr. popped it right back in, and after a couple of x-rays to double check that it was all good, we were done! Here are some pictures of Brensyn lying in bed with his Spiderman sticker from the nurse!
It was a fun day all-in-all. Many phone messages and well wishes were appreciated by all of those who left them with me! THANKS!
On Saturday, we decided to take the kids on a little jaunt to the Five Springs waterfall at the foot of the Big Horns. It was awesome! The boys loved the water, and Ansleigh even liked the hike!
Here we are at the beginning. I don't have hats for the boys- so they were sporting the do-rags!
The boys love it here... and getting sprayed by the fine freezing mist was a riot for them!
The boys wanted to play in the water, but that didn't last too long when they figured out how cold it was!
After we got into the car, Jaran said we should go see the resevoir. Word on the street was that it's a lot better since they did all of the improvements. When we got there, almost no water was to be found. So the boys just played on the playground. The rocks out there are so red, it's amazing!
I will post more later, but I need to go and clean up a bit. The boys just woke up and already have undone the cleaning I've already done today! Take Care!
PS- Say a prayer for my step-mother Shelly. She is in the hospital, and isn't doing very well. She needs all the prayers and faith she can get if she's going to pull through. While you're at it, say a prayer for my Dad, he's not handling it very well. Thanks!
Fluke Ir Camera
8 months ago
I was wondering if you were planning on posting while in Wyoming. How long are you planning on staying by the way? I'm glad you had a good birthday.
Happy Late Birthday!
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